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Success treating endometriosis

“My husband and I were trying to get pregnant for four years. I discovered that I had high FSH and severe endometriosis. The doctor said the only way we would get pregnant was to go through the in vitro process. I did not feel comfortable with injecting the synthetic hormones or with the creation of multiple fertilized eggs and that decision process.

I was recommended to Lori Guynes by a friend who told me that she had success treating endometriosis. As soon as I stepped into her office I felt comfortable and I knew I was in the right place. It was a huge breath of fresh air after all that we had been through.

I started having acupuncture treatments every week and I started to physically notice differences in my period. We were pregnant in three months.

We now have a beautiful, healthy three year old boy named Jack.”

– M. V.

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