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Staying Healthy This Winter

Staying Healthy This Winter

The winter months can be a challenge if you can’t seem to stay healthy. More indoor time can increase your chances of catching a flu, cold or Covid-19. Following just a few important steps can help keep you and your family healthy so nobody misses out on the fun the season can bring. 

As you know, washing your hands frequently can prevent the spread of various illnesses. Regularly wiping down surfaces with a sanitizing cleanser and keeping your distance from those you know are sick also helps. Additional tips include staying hydrated and flushing toxins out of your system, getting enough sleep and avoiding sugar to keep your immune system in good shape and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to reduce your chance of catching anything.

Make Good Choices

Don’t fall into the “comfort food” trap of eating for comfort all the time and foregoing proper nutrition. Indulging occasionally is not a problem but getting into a spiral of unhealthy eating can only lead to bad choices and health consequences. Make sure you enjoy a diet of winter’s best vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains.

Active in Mind & Body

Shorter days and cold temperatures can make it hard to get moving. The temptation to stay in and stay warm is strong! Make sure you engage in regular physical activity and keep an eye on your mental health as well. It’s important to engage in regular physical activity to reduce anxiety, lower your blood pressure, improve your sleep quality, and maintain or lose weight, depending on your goals. Regular exercise also helps keep your mental health in check. Incorporating regular breathing exercises and meditation is also a great idea.

Winter months can be difficult for some but having a plan to keep your body moving and your mind strong is a great way to thrive this winter and set yourself up for a fabulous Spring! 


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